Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!

PhotobucketHere we are as "The Count and His Bride"

Photobucket "Mikey Mike and Miss Zoey"

Photobucket Ohhhhhh yessss we had two different costumes this year.

Here is our cute friend "Taffy da Pumpkin"

Lots of XOXO's to ya Taffy!

This is our cousin Izzy Bug! Hey Izzy we love you very much.

XOXO Mike and Zoey

Diamond and Izzy with their devilish pose. You two girls don't scare us!
Mike and Zoey

Sunday, March 30, 2008

We have been busy!

Boy this hunting for Easter Eggs is a big job. We went around and around the house looking. Mike and I didn't get to touch any of them! It was a fun day with Hailey though!
Zoey and Mike

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Get a Voki now!